Media Release – Crestline Coach Ltd. – STEP 2016 Exporter of the Year

Media Release – Crestline Coach Ltd. – STEP 2016 Exporter of the Year

Regina, Saskatchewan – Saskatchewan Trade & Export Partnership (STEP) is pleased to announce that the recipient of the STEP 2016 Exporter of the Year Award is Crestline Coach Ltd. The Award was presented on October 19, 2016 at the STEP Trade Conference and 20th Anniversary Celebration held in Regina.

Sponsored by Export Development Canada, the STEP Exporter of the Year Award recognizes excellence and performance in export markets. EDC is Canada’s export credit agency offering innovative commercial solutions to help Canadian exporters and investors expand their international business. Established in 1975 and based in Saskatoon, Crestline Coach Ltd. has become one of North America’s leading ambulance and specialty vehicle manufacturers as well as a nation-wide distributor of buses. STEP President and CEO Chris Dekker noted that STEP was privileged to showcase Crestline Coach’s exporting success.

“Crestline is recognized around the world for a product line which is innovative, durable, and reliable,” Dekker said. “Their strong sales and marketing strategies have allowed them to export these products to a wide range of international markets.”

Reviewed by a committee of Saskatchewan business leaders, Crestline Coach Ltd. received top marks for a high level of performance in introducing new products and services into international markets. Crestline has significantly increased their export sales, maintains a high ratio of export sales to total sales, and have had a positive impact on the provincial economy through job creation.

Also recognized at this event were four additional finalists including:

  • Carrier Forest Products Ltd. – Big River, Saskatchewan
  • Ceres Global Ag Corp. – Northgate, Saskatchewan
  • Crestline Coach Ltd. – Sasktoon, Saskatchewan
  • Vendasta Technologies, Inc. – Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

For information regarding Crestline Coach Ltd., please visit For additional information regarding the finalists, their products, services, and capabilities, please visit

For further information, please contact:
Chris Dekker, President & CEO
Saskatchewan Trade & Export Partnership (STEP)
Telephone: 306 787 1550