Trade Mission: China International Consumer Products Expo (CICPE)
China International Consumer Products Expo (CICPE) takes place in Haikou, within the largest national free trade zone in China, on April 13-18, 2025. The CICPE focuses on duty free consumer products, including alcoholic beverages, food, and other consumer products. The Government of Saskatchewan and STEP will sponsor booth space at CICPE to promote Saskatchewan products. Co-exhibiting Saskatchewan companies will have the opportunity to find potential partners and explore sales opportunities. STEP, the Saskatchewan International Office in China and Trade Commissioner Service of the Consulate General in Guangzhou will work together to organize B2B meetings with local buyers.
A pre-show outreach to Hong Kong will be organized for April 10-11, 2025. As a special district of China, Hong Kong has a different business culture and is considered to be an independent market from the mainland of China. STEP will set up a business program for participating members to visit local buyers by working with the Trade Commissioner Service of the Canada Consulate General in Hong Kong.