Trade Mission: WEFTEC
Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition & Conference (WEFTEC) is the leading tradeshow in North America for wastewater and water management. The conference will include over 10,000 attendees and 6,900+ exhibitors in manufacturing/distribution of equipment and supplies, consulting, contracting, planning services, and utilities (wastewater, drinking water, and stormwater). This event welcomes audiences from more than 70 countries. More than 400 municipal water and wastewater utilities, nearly 100 finance and investment firms, and all the top 20 design and consulting engineering firms participate in WEFTEC. The top focuses of WEFTEC include water reuse and reclamation (40%), wastewater treatment, design, and modelling (33%) and drinking water (40%).
WEFTEC attracts an international audience, with a large presence from Latin America and parts of Europe. STEP will be working closely with Canadian Trade Commissioner Service, and our partners in other provincial organizations for B2B programming.